Lockdown 3.0 - Free Activities!
Once again we are in a period of 'lockdown' in the UK, and so I am resurrecting the free activities page I created last summer when we were plunged into the world of home-schooling!
I am sure many children like MiniD find it hard not being in school, and so this page is filled with resources and activities that I hope will help you out if you are 'grounded'. Please share with anyone you feel would benefit, and if you've got any suggestions drop me an email demidressage@gmail.com These activities and downloads are completely FREE - please just credit Demi Dressage if you use them.
I've re-introduced the Groundwork Tests that were so popular over last summer for both January and February - see the Groundwork Tests page for full details and the tests to download. These are £10 entry the same as our ridden dressage tests, and as always the test fee includes UK postage of your sheet and rosette. I've also created two free photo shows just for fun - you can find details of these on the Free Lockdown Shows page. Overseas competitors are welcome as long as postage costs are covered!
Creative Corner
In both the January and February free shows, there is a 'creative' class, so please check those out.
Some more creative ideas to try at home:
- write a diary entry from the point of view of your pony. It could be about a ride you've enjoyed, a special/funny memory, or perhaps about the coronavirus lock-down and everyone being off school!
- write a short story or poem - bonus marks if it is dressage related!
- draw a picture of your favourite pony, or perhaps get even more creative and make a collage-artwork using cutouts of magazines, coloured paper etc
- draw a picture of where your pony lives (stable or field) what do they need to be happy and comfortable?
- write a review of your favourite horsey product - what couldn't you live without and why?
We'd love it if you share anything you create with us - perhaps it'll get featured on our page!
Design a Dressage Test
Have a go at writing your own dressage test - once it's done, you could ride it on your own pony! (If you can't ride at the moment, try it on a hobby horse instead...)
Freestyle dressage tests usually have a number of 'required movements' - I've suggested some below if you want to try doing it this way, or you could completely make up your own. You can write your test out as instructions, or draw as a sequence of arena diagrams showing the movements - download a template of arena diagrams below...
Required Movements: You must enter down the centre line (in walk or trot) from A. You must include a change of rein, at circle on each rein, and some work in both walk and trot (and canter if you wish) Your test must finish by coming down the centre line from A and halting and saluting at G. The test must be a maximum of 5 mins long to ride.

Hobby Horse Dressage and Jumping
We ran three Hobby Horse Events in April, and although we won't be running these again, I will leave the Hobby Horse Dressage, Agility and Jumping tests available to download below (just click on each thumbnail to view the tests as a PDF file) in case you'd like to still give them a try! Great fun to exercise your children whilst also learning about dressage!
See our free download above to make your own dressage cones to set up your Hobby Horse arena!